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Feather Destruction

Please join us in celebrating Caesar’s life. Age at death: 17+ years. Cause of death: Atherosclerosis. Machelle Pacion Avian Nutrition Specialist Complete Necropsy: Performed. (Over $700.00 for a FULL necropsy-if you...
  • 6 min read
Feather destruction usually begins years after the root cause. There may be some confusion as to why / how birds get re-triggered into plucking, even after they have been on our Dirty Birdie Brittle and/or Better Feathers...
  • 6 min read
Recently a new protective vest for feather destroying birds has arrived on the market. Because I bill myself as a specialist in feather destruction when items like this happen to run across my path I take a good look...
  • 4 min read
OTC Remedies: Feather Destruction Products  ~ Machelle Pacion Avian Nutrition Consultant On February 5, 2016, I spotlighted a couple of well-known palm oil / canola oil over-the-counter products manufactured...
  • 5 min read
All baking soda is not the same, and not for the reason you may think. As many of you know who follow “The Mutilation Syndrome Program” I recommend using a very small amount of baking soda ONCE a week in your...
  • 2 min read
Allergy Alert: “Natural” Food Ingredients That Should Come With A Warning Label! “Warning: May cause negative reactions, adverse symptoms, super-sensitivities or trigger allergies.” Some “natural” substances we use need...
  • 7 min read

Franny’s story is only one of thousands that could go untold, but Franny landed in our sanctuary. We believe every parrot has a story that deserves to be told. Parrots who engage in self-mutilation deserve to have their stories...


  • 8 min read
This list is NOT inclusive of all foods feather destroyers should not be fed, but does include some of the top foods that will most likely trigger feather destruction. Almost all herbs and spices. These foods are extremely high...
  • 3 min read
Chamomile Flowers & Tea Lately I’ve been hearing a lot about using Chamomile Tea to help calm birds who engage in feather destruction. I decided to take a deeper look into the use of this herbal tea in regards...
  • 5 min read
Know this about feather destroying birds: Even if we get some birds to reduce or stop picking, plucking, barbering/cutting their feathers, or stop self-mutilating they will need controlled environments for the remainder...
  • 2 min read
We all love it when our birds show the ability to be “teach-able.” When our birds perform their first “step-up” for us it’s akin to our child taking their very first step. And let’s be honest, we need our birds to take some...
  • 7 min read
