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General Husbandry

First of all we need to understand what oxalic acid does to the internal organs of our birds, specifically the kidneys. Like humans, birds can develop renal calcuri (kidney stones), a buildup of calcium oxalates. Most often this...
  • 6 min read
Sinus Infections in Exotic Birds ~ …and Other Disturbing Disorders, Illnesses & Diseases Does your feathered friend often have a sinus infection? Do you know someone’s bird who does? Folks this isn’t normal…
Yeast infections are a common problem in our companion exotic birds, but they don’t have to be. Most of us know what yeast infections are, but let’s go over the medical explanation for those who may be new to this infection...
Annual well-bird exams and tests are paramount to maintain avian health and nutrition! Many of us religiously take our pet birds in for annual veterinary exams and lab tests, but are we asking for the correct and complete tests...
Right from the start let’s get something straight about certified organic foods and uncertified, conventional foods – the former, certified organic is not necessarily more nutritious, but it is healthier. The latter, uncertified, conventional...
  • 9 min read
The photo is of a papaya that is overly ripe containing sprouted seeds that sprouted endogenously (within) the fruit itself. We will address all the phases of ripening in this article further down. In all of…
  • 6 min read
Since highly processed foods became available over two decades ago, we have witnessed less and less molting in companion birds. Is molting necessary? What is the purpose of molting? How much molting is optimum...
  • 7 min read
If so, why and what kind? “Geophagy“, or the practice of “eating dirt” may be somewhat uncommon to us, but birds do it all the time. In fact it’s part of a healthy diet for birds of the wild. I…

See the vibrant coloring of these Macaws? Do you think they are this vibrant only because they are wild? All parrots, regardless of wild or captive should maintain vibrantly, neon, bright plumage...

  • 6 min read
I’m sitting here writing this blog post feeling as though I am recovering from a weekend drinking binge. The truth of the matter is, I don’t drink. We recently took in a new resident in our Providence Exotic Bird Sanctuary...
  • 3 min read
So recently one of my Facebook “friends” posted that they have a “mild allergy to black pepper.” They were at an event and took a bite of the finger snacks that were served, and didn’t notice there was a hidden black peppercorn...
  • 3 min read
We hear it all the time “birds don’t produce lactase, the digestive enzyme necessary to digest lactose in dairy products. Therefore we should not be feeding dairy to our birds.” Then doesn’t it stand to reason...
  • 2 min read
