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Organic Defined / Organic Suppliers

What Is Organic?

Food produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents.

See our list of suppliers below.


We are not going to bore you with the FDA's legal definitions, the required percentages of organic ingredients that are required to be in a processed food in order for a food to be deemed "organic", or how manufacturers' labels can mislead us with their fancy words like "all natural" and more. Instead we are just going to give you the nitty-gritty dirt about how foods are grown and processed then let you decide for yourself if you want your pets to consume conventionally grown and processed foods, or organically grown and processed foods.

Traditional Highly Processed Commercial Bird Food

Even when a highly processed commercial bird food contains "certified organic" ingredients during the production process the food becomes adulterated. Once the manufacturer begins reconstituting the food, by adding vitamins and other nutrients back in that were stripped out during the intense high-heat and high-pressure used to cook and form the kibble into the finished product, using certified organic ingredients becomes nothing more than a marketing gimmick.

Here is what a typical ingredient listing may look like of a certified organic commercial bird food:

Rice, barley, sunflower seed hulled, ground soybeans, ground shelled peanuts, ground green peas, quinoa whole, buckwheat hulled, ground alfalfa, carrot powder, spinach leaf powder, vitamin A Supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, Dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, vitamin B12 supplement, Riboflavin supplement, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Niacin supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride and so on and so forth.

The point is this, once the ingredients are cooked, when heat is used in anyway, or the finely ground wet mixture is (heat or cold) pressed or extruded, and/or synthetic vitamins are added back into the food it becomes an adulterated food; it is no longer in its most pure and natural form. Any kind of deviation from its most natural form food begins to deteriorate losing its intrinsic, natural nutritional content. The more it is altered, the more nutrients in the form of digestive enzymes, naturally occurring proteins, fatty acids and vitamins are lost and must be added back in. In fact commercial bird foods usually do not even address the lack of digestive enzymes; they are completely left out of highly processed foods.

Therefore beginning with "organic" ingredients is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

If you want the real organic benefit for your bird you must find a bird food that begins with wholesome and pure ingredients and then takes the effort to make sure those ingredients are very carefully cared for during the entire production process so only a minimal amount of nutrients are lost during the production process.

That means no heat, no mechanical extrusion, no pressure regardless whether the pressure is hot or cold. Then your bird's food will not require the addition of synthetic vitamins after the production process.

We ask you:
What is truly organic?
Is organic really all "THAT"?
Is organic so much more healthy than conventional?

The answers are simple.

Without chemical fertilizers and harsh pesticides in organic foods, you and your pets will receive the real, naturally occurring nutrients Nature places in the soil for produce to absorb!

It isn't that organic has any more naturally occurring nutrients than conventionally grown produce, it's that organic foods don't have the harsh, synthetic, laboratory-produced highly carcinogenic chemicals that are now proven to penetrate deep into the cellular layers of the produce. These chemicals cannot simply be washed away by washing and rinsing. Since chemicals cannot be washed away it means you, your family and pets consume these chemicals reducing the actual nutritional benefits of the naturally occurring nutrients of the very foods you are consuming!

Why organic?
To ensure your body, the body of each member in your family and the body of your beloved pets receive maximum nutritional benefit without adding even more contaminants to your bodies than you are already exposed to simply by breathing in our polluted air and through the water we all drink!

Still, we do not use high-heat to process our foods. We do not extrude removing virtually all naturally occurring digestive enzymes and vitamins. We do not use hot or cold pressure when processing our foods removing naturally occurring digestive enzymes and vitamins to any measurable extent.

Instead our foods are literally hand-produced using stainless steel utensils so that your bird's food is ensured to retain the highest amount of naturally occurring digestive enzymes, vitamins and minerals possible.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Though our foods are not certified organic, we begin with mostly certified, wholesome, pure ingredients.

Here is a typical ingredient listing of one of our BirD-elicious! foods:


What Is Our Raw, Wholesome,
Pure Guarantee Seal

As stated on our package label:

Ingredients: All ingredients are human grade (except where indicated by ***) produced in a sustainable manner without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other harsh chemicals. ( *Indicates a conventionally grown ingredient; **Indicates ingredient that is "Wild-grown, Wild-harvested/derived from the earth or "Wild-crafted; ***FDA does not recognize ingredient as "human-grade") +All powders are ensured to be free of any and all preservatives.

"Raw, wholesome, pure and unadulterated" means that our ingredients are those that are produced without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides and they are processed without the use of any chemicals including added preservatives, colorings or flavorings or added synthetic vitamins. In addition none of our ingredients contain GMOs.  

Other manufacturers may start out using certified organic ingredients, but once they highly process their foods using high heat —which destroys the digestive enzymes, the delicate Omega 3 fatty acids and the crucial oil-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, D and E as well the ever-so-essential water-soluble Vitamin Bs — they are forced to add synthetic, laboratory-produced chemical versions of these nutrients back in via usually cheap carrier oils like (sometimes hydrogenated) canola or sunflower oils. I have to ask you a very blunt, but realistic question: Can their “certified organic” foods really be considered “organic” after such kinds of processing methods? Personally I don’t consider them to be regardless of the certification label they PAY for. It just means they have the big bucks to fool their customers.

Our foods on the other hand are made with the most wholesome of ingredients that are never, never adulterated by high heat, pressure and extrusion. We don’t add any synthetics of any kind, EVER. The only thing missing from our food is the expensive certified label.


At any rate we are supplying a list of most of the reliable suppliers we buy our ingredients from. The list may grow due to the fact we have to search, search and search to find ingredients we deem worthy enough to use in your bird’s food. I seriously doubt “the other” bird food manufacturers have to do as much resourcing for the ingredients they use in their products considering most of their food ingredients are grain-based and include synthetic vitamins. We don't mind sharing our list of suppliers with you, heck oftentimes we tell our customers to visit our vendors' sites to purchase items we don't carry! We just aren't that B.I.G. of a company to try to compete with huge corporations; we don't try to. We are here for one reason and one reason only..."the birds."

Feel free to contact each supplier/vendor and ask them if we are one of their customers. I will be contacting each of them to give them permission to give out our business name to you should you decide to contact them. Most of the time though suppliers will not give out such confidential information, so be ready for that. While you are on their website be sure to check out their certifications, which many have posted. ALL of the suppliers listed below supply ONLY certified, organic human-grade ingredients. They don't sell B, C and D grades; they sell A grades. Using the ingredients doesn't make our overall product "certified organic," a company has to pay huge sums of money to label their product "certified organic." However all of the ingredients we buy (except meal worms) come from companies who hold organic certifications and sell only A grade ingredients. A pet food company can purchase certified organic ingredients so they can label their packaging as such, but they are not required to purchase A grade; the certified organic grade is allowed to be a B, C or D rating! - Lower ratings of ingredients may contain molds, fungus, bacteria and other pathogens.

  • Tierra Farms: http://www.tierrafarm.com
  • Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds: http://sprouting.com
  • Mountain Rose Herbs: https://www.mountainroseherbs.com
  • Starwest Botanicals: https://www.starwest-botanicals.com
  • Hummingbird Wholesale: https://hummingbirdwholesale.com
  • Sun Organic: https://www.sunorganic.com
  • ZNaturalFoods: https://www.znaturalfoods.com
  • California Earth Minerals: https://californiaearthminerals.com
  • Brazil Live Coral: https://www.brazillivecoral.com (View Certificate of Analysis)
  • Tropical Traditions: https://tropicaltraditions.com
  • Hemp Oil Canada: https://www.hempoilcan.com
  • Young Living Essential Oils: https://www.youngliving.com/en_US
  • Trout Lake Farms: https://www.troutlakefarm.com
  • Mercola.com for Krill Oil, some Pro-biotics and some Digestive Enzymes, Vitamin Supplements
  • Peddler’s Son Produce: https://www.peddlersson.com/about/ for fresh, organic produce

And more from whom we purchase highly specialized ingredients from such as the lichen, mussel powder and other highly specialized ingredients we use in our foods.

Now after reading this list, checking it twice, you tell us, are the ingredients in our foods just as or more wholesome, pure and unadulterated? Do you really think we need to certify foods a FOURTH time when they have already been certified ONCE at the farm that produces them and then SECONDLY again at the packaging plant and then THIRDLY by the suppliers we buy them from? REALLY?  

If you do we will be happy to do that for your peace of mind...but keep this in mind as you make your decision. Certification will cost us thousands of dollars up front. It's going to take away from us formulating and testing other species-specific foods for your feathered companions. Forget about the formulation and laboratory testing of the Cockatoo and Macaw foods this year, — won't happen. And then there are the annual fees, about $2000.00 per year to remain certified. Yep, this isn't just a one-time deal; it's every year.

Now you tell us who is making out like a bandit here...the foods get certified at the farm, the packaging plant, the third-party distributor and then the producer of your bird food! That's 4 certifications folks....FOUR to ensure that your bird's food is actually...well, you know! WOW!
