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Good Reads

You Can't Take the Rainforest Out of the Bird:
...feeding exotic birds really, really well

by Machelle Pacion,
Co-Owner of Passion Tree House LLC,formulator/developer of BirD-elicious! Origins Wild Diet® species-specific foods; Avian Nutritional Consultant; Author.

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Finally an avian nutrition book for beginner, intermediate and advanced exotic bird fanciers! We all have something to learn and this book provides new, revolutionary information for all of us in which to springboard in a direction that takes us and our companion birds "back to the Rainforest" from where they originated! Once we remember where they came from and relearn what kinds of indigenous foods their ancestors ate to thrive, then and only then can we help our beloved feathered companions begin to return to a healthy homeostasis! Begin a whole new journey of understanding the digestive tract of "Aves" and more specifically "Psittacines" who are in a classification and subclassificantion of their very own, separate from mammals and even separate from their cousins Galliformes otherwise known as poultry.

Natural Rearing: Breeding & Raising Dogs The Way Nature Intended

Dr. Thomason believes that all animals need to be raised the way Nature intended, naturally. In her book Dr. Thomason explains the long term health benefits of rearing dogs naturally by feeding them the way their systems are designed to digest, absorb and metabolize the foods they consume.

Author: Jeannie Thomason V.N.D.

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These books were published by Earth & Sky Universal Publishing. E&SUP offers full-service publishing for print and/or e-books. Our services include, editing, designing and layout of book, cover design, publishing, and marketing. If you have a book you'd like to publish but don't know where to start, we have the answers. Contact orders@thebestbirdfood.com for more information. We love helping individuals who have information they want to share about the health and care of animals.
