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Thrivation Station™ - Food Combining

Calcium is also necessary for beak health. It is also a major contributor to normal muscle tone and coordination, nerve impulses and neurological brain activity. If an overall diet is low in Calcium, or the body does...
  • 9 min read

Chokeberries are commonly used as the base fruit for gummie candies! Aronia berries originate from the eastern parts of North America and East Canada. In other words they are considered a “domestic” berry having...

  • 8 min read
Our ongoing mission in this food combining workshop will be never-ending. As long as we all care for these magnificent creatures of flight we should make it our responsibility to learn how to properly feed and care for them...
  • 2 min read

We hear it touted on a regular basis that we need to make sure to feed our beloved birds more greens, “make absolutely sure you get those greens into your bird’s diet any way you can!”and “Our birds need the fiber in...

  • 7 min read

The one most common mistake I see over and over is the over-feeding of nuts in bird diets. Yes, birds love nuts…but so do most of us! Do we live on a diet of mostly nuts? I hope not...

  • 9 min read

Alfalfa is known as “Nature’s sunshine food” because it contains quantifiable Vitamin D! Alfalfa probably originated in the Mediterranean Sea, but has since become one of the most commonly cultivated herbs...

  • 6 min read
African Greys indigenously originated in Western and Central Africa. Although there are slight geographical variations in the species, “Congo” African Greys and “Timneh” African Greys coexist in the same, overall locations...
  • 12 min read

We have all heard and read the debates surrounding feeding eggs to our birds. Some of us believe eggs contain some of the best overall nutrition, for just about any living creature to consume. Others of us believe eggs are too high...

  • 8 min read
