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The Mutilation Syndrome Program™

The Mutilation Syndrome Program™

The Enrollees

When enrollees are placed on our Mutilation Syndrome Program™ it is understood by the caregiver that their bird will most likely be on the program for as long as two years, maybe longer. The program begins with a deep and thorough digestive tract detox that lasts two complete weeks; 14 days. After that time period their bird begins a multi-phase program of clearing out old, unhealthy gut flora and then gradually replenishing the digestive tract with new, healthy gut flora. The next phase concentrates on introducing new foods slowly and gradually so the bird's system has time to adjust to the constiuents in each newly introduced food. The nutrients in each food is carefully calculated depending on what a malnourished body of a feather destroyer needs at specific times during the overall healing process. As time progresses further phases focus on not only the continuing act of clearing the toxins from the digestive tract, while also building healthier gut flora, but also nourishing the body so that new, healthier feather follicles and eventually feathers can grow. For some birds this will never occur due to permanently damaged feather follicles. We believe if we can accomplish reduction or cessation of feather destruction success has been made; growing feathers is icing on the cake!

Some of the enrollees you see here are actual enrollees in our first Spring 2014 class and have not yet finished the program. For that reason they are in progress and have not yet finished the entire program and their results are not final. Once they reach the end of the program their caregivers will have the option of repeating the class in order for their bird to achieve a deeper level of detox or placing their bird on our maintenance food for feather destroyers. Others you see here are birds that will be on the program for the remainder of their  



lives. They have STOPPED feather destruction, but they will never, never grow feathers back in due to permanent feather follicle damage.

While the program does not guarantee to grow feathers back due to permanent feather follicle damage in many cases, our program has clinically shown to dramatically reduce or eliminate feather destruction in most birds without the use of any pharmaceuticals or snake-oil treatments. By adjusting the diet and environment alone our program can change a feather destroyer's life for the positive forever.

We must learn to adjust our lives to fit the lives of these magnificent creatures instead of expecting them to adjust their lives to fit ours. We did the unthinkable by removing them from their indigenous habitats; it is us who should be paying the price, not them.

We are hoping to have our Mutilation Syndrome Program™ available to a limited number of the general public by mid-2016. Currently we have a small group of dedicated private parties participating in a closed class setting since Spring of 2014. This program is a very long and intensive program for the very committed.

If you are considering placing your bird in our program it is a requirement that you first purchase and read my book "You Can't Take the Rainforest Out of the Bird". Click on the link to purchase it. My book is the 101 on exotic bird nutrition. I delve deeper into the understanding of the exotic avian digestive tract and how it functions than any other author on the subject. Once you read my book you will then be prepared to take on fresh ideas that can help heal your feather destroyin companion bird!



Enrolled into our program in late Summer of 2012, this is "Koko". Due to the stress of the move she promptly removed what she had left of her feathers.

You can see in the photo below how pink her skin became due to her allergic reaction to the foods she was eating and the airborne allergies that were triggering her.

Slowly she began to detox and over the course of the next 2.5 years she slowly began to heal.

Today, mid-2015 Koko is almost completely feathered. She still has a little way to go!

Circa May 2015

Koko isn't flipping you; she just wants to show off her beautiful, brightly colored tail!

As you can see Koko is doing a pretty good job at holding her own. She continues to grow in new feathers even as she is going through molt. The colors of her feathers are rich and dark! These photos are circa mid June 2015.


Poppee before he was placed on our "Mutilation Syndrome Program"Text

Poppee soon after he was placed on our "Mutilation Syndrome Program"

Poppee was enrolled in our program in late 2014. Here we are in mid-2015 and just look at his progress! His back and chest is fully grown in and he now has a full left wing! Admittedly he is still working on his right wing. 

As of 7.2015 Poppee has just about grown in ALL of his feathers! His tail feathers have just a little more growing to do and they will be completely grown in! He is no longer having seizures! We feel this is nothing short of a miracle! We are so happy for little Poppee!A new lease on life!


As many of us know Eclecti can be very difficult to impossible to stop when they begin engagement in feather destruction. We believe we have a good handle on this insidous syndrome. While we cannot guarantee feather regrowth, we have now seen dramatic reduction to total elimination of feather destruction in many Eclecti! Hope is here and it's real for those of us caring for the Ecectus who engages in feather destruction!

As many of us know Eclecti can be very difficult to impossible to stop when they begin engagement in feather destruction.

We believe we have a good handle on this insidous syndrome. While we cannot guarantee feather regrowth, we have now seen dramatic reduction to total elimination of feather destruction in many Eclecti! Hope is here and it's real for those of us caring for the Ecectus who engages in feather destruction!

From May 2013

...to August 2015

Finally October 2015!


...from 10.2013...

...to 8/2014..

...to 12.2014...


Beau has been one of our more difficult cases. The Poicephalus genus requires more research than we currently have to tend to his very special needs. We are not giving up on Beau and his species! We are determined to help this little guy!

Thanks to his caregiver we are learning more everydayto help Beau and others in the Poicephalus genus of exotic birds!


Franny began the detox program in January of 2013. By mid 2013 her self-mutilation wound was already completely healed leaving behind only a pink scar.

Fortunately Franny has progressed to the point that we can now leave her stiff collar off up to 6-8 hours a day now. She must wear it at night to ensure she does not engage in self-mutilation while she is unsupervised.

Admittedly we are still researching the causation of self-mutilators, but we will not give up hope in finding the root cause!

Overall Franny is much more relaxed now that she has arrived at our Providence Exotic Bird Sanctuary and on a much different diet for birds who engage in feather destruction and self-mutilation.

A Hawkhead Parrot

This Hawkhead Parrot was actually introduced to our program before the official program started in Spring of 2014, so he had a jump-start to the program. The photos start when the official program started in late Spring of 2014. He was re-started by placing him back on the initial 2-week deep detox and then placed on the specific multi-phased laboratory-tested foods.

You will see many of the birds on our program make strides forward and then seem to regress. We lovingly call this the "cha cha". In actuality they are not regressing; their body is going through another level of detox. The toxins have to go somewhere. The skin is the largest organ on any living creature. It makes perfect sense that most toxins would exit through the skin, then other filtering organs such as the liver and kidneys. This is why we see so much feather destruction, liver damage/disease and kidney disease in our companion birds.

This is what happened when this Hawkhead ran out of his "special program food."


Once he was back on his special diethe began growing his feathers back in. 7/2014





This Hawkhead's caregiver would like you to know this is the longest period of time their bird has ever kept his feathers. Especially his wing and tail feathers. His caregiver would add:

"That even more important than the feathers he has turned from a psychotic defensive biter to a calm and loving bird that can even be beak petted now."

Via his caregiver: "He has more then half his chest feathers. 8 good size tail feathers and growing in full wing feathers without biting any of them off."

11.8.15 - This Hawkhead is going strong! Still fully feathered and growing in even more feathers he continues to be a picture of health and vitality on our program!





Ellis began our program at 12 years old, now at 13 years old he almost has all of his feathers! He took his first ever flight of his entire life on 6.25.15! Since 5 months of age Ellis has been a feather destroyer and never learned how to properly preen himself. He is now preening like a pro! Now Ellis has a brand new lease on life! 


We have more clinical examples to upload and will do so as information and photos become available. Thank you for your patience. Please stay tuned!

Also understand that not all birds will show new feather growth due to permanent feather follicle damage, but we can assure you that they have greatly reduced orstopped their feather destruction due to our program. Of course all birds must be veterinarian certified free of all avian disorders, illnesses and diseases prior to enrollment in our program. The key is permanent diet and environonmental modifications. We hope to bring this revolutionary program to the public by mid-2016!

*By purchasing and/or placing your bird(s) on our feather destroyer's program you grant us Buyer's Indemnification and give us the right to use your testimonies and photographs of your bird(s) before, during and after participating in the program.

