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Really RAW™ Sprouter’s Saturday!™ 6.20.15 Basil Seeds

Last week we tackled parsley seeds for the digestive enzyme “amylase” they contain when they are barely sprouted. Well guess what? The same holds true for basil seeds! Yep, they also contain a high amount of amylase when they are young sprouts!

In addition to containing amylase basil sprouts are a pretty good natural antihistamine too! So if your bird has any airborne allergies or food sensitivities basil sprouts are a food to feed.

Although basil has a moderate amount of salicylates so if your bird is a feather destroyer don’t overload your bird on basil sprouts.

Just like parsley seeds, I soak basil seeds overnight in filtered water. Sometimes I will give them a little boost by soaking them in a solution of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide overnight to help penetrate that hard seed hull. Then the next morning I rinse them really well before beginning the actual sprouting process. Be prepared for several days of the sprouting process. Know that you might have to look very closely to actually see the teeny, tiny tail. You may not be able to see the tail at all, but be assured after several days it’s there. Due to their high amount of Omega 3s basil seeds will most likely form a gelatinous substance around the seeds as they begin to soak up the moisture and begin sprout. Don’t worry, this is not fungus slime, this is the fatty acid of the seed.

After just barely sprouting simply rinse in your 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, rinse two more times with filtered water and your parsley seeds are ready!

Currently I purchase my organic parsley seed from High Mowing Organic Seeds here: http://www.highmowingseeds.com.

©2015.6.20 Machelle Pacion Passion Tree House LLC All Rights Reserved

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