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Avian Nutrition Consultation

We think we are doing good for our birds feeding an abundance of this, a whole lot of that and a variety of mixes hoping for a good checkup at the vet's office. But do we really know what we're doing? Does the blood tests and fecal analysis really tell us the true story of our bird's intrinsic health?

I've been formulating, developing, laboratory-testing and bringing species-specific exotic bird foods to market since 2001, officially since 2003. I have seen thousands and thousands of companion birds not only sustain on my diets, but have their health turn around and totally heal and begin to thrive, not just survive on my diets!

I have consulted countless bird caregivers on how to help their beloved bird turn their bird's health crisis around only to see them return to a normal lifestyle chattering and playing again like when they first brought their bird home!

When you decide to engage in an avian nutritional consultation with me I will begin by sending you an in depth questionnaire asking all kinds of questions so that I may gain a thorough insight into your bird's daily rituals from its diet, to its environment and daily activities. I will also ask for current laboratory reports, if you have those available. Once I have all of this information I will reply with how I think I may be able to help you develop a customized nutritional approach for your bird's specific needs in order to help your bird reach a health homeostasis for its specie's nutritional profile.

Is it time that you learn what your specific bird requires for optimum health from a qualified avian nutritionist that has been formulating, developing, testing and marketing foods for close to two decades? Maybe so...

You can pay now and once I recieve the payment I will contact you with the initial consulation questionnaire!


"You Can't Take the Rain Forest Out of the Bird".

This book contains a wealth of knowledge that will probably answer most of the questions you would have for me in a consultation session. My avian nutritional book is foundational to learning how to feed your exotic bird properly, as exotic birds should be fed, not as poultry or granivores, but as the exotic, tropical birds they intrinsically are. Economically speaking you can obtain more information from purchasing my book than you can from one consultation. After purchasing my book you will have it at your finger-tips as a reliable reference source forever! Many of us just plow along feeding our beloved exotic bird what we think seems healthy foods according to what the online gurus have told us to feed our birds. I strongly recommend reading my avian nutrition book:

I have already started writing my second book specifically addressing feather destroyers and mutilators. However, if you desire a nutritional consultation based on current lab reports you have had performed on your bird, the initial fee for a consultation is $125.00. If additional information beyond what I supply in the intitial consultation requires adressing I charge $10.00 per question.

ALL consultations are performed via email only. This ensures that both you and I have a record of the consultation.

Please remember, I am not a licensed veterinarian; I do not give medical advice, only nutritional suggestions based on lab reports. Current labs are required before I will accept a consultation.

Consultations will be performed via email according to Machelle's current work load.

I will do my best to address your consultation questions within two weeks of receipt of payment. After you have paid for your initial consultation be sure to email me your bird's current lab reports. My email address is: Machelle@TheBestBirdFood.com. Avian Nutrition Consultations are performed on a limited basis only due to my heavy work load.
