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Charlie Brown Bird Rescue

The Charlie Brown Bird Rescue is located in Columbus, Ohio. Amanda Brown began rescuing and rehoming birds in 2016. She has always had a love of birds and saw a desperate need for this type of rescue in the community. The Charlie Brown Bird Rescue truly loves and cares for each and every bird that comes through our doors and we want the very best for them in all aspects of life: health, nutrition, veterinary care, foraging, and happiness.
Unfortunately, people purchase birds on impulse because of their beauty without researching what it takes to be a good Parrot parent. Along with their beauty, love, and fun personalities comes mess, expense, and attitude. Parrots can live 50 plus years and sadly the average Parrot is rehomed 10-15 times in their lifetime. We, at the Charlie Brown Bird Rescue, are here to make their transition and heartbreak easier. We take the time to learn about each individual bird and then search for the best adoptive home match.
Every bird that enters our doors sees a vet and doesn't go to a foster/adoptive home until deemed healthy. Diet is a large part of a bird's health and that is why we choose to feed Origins Wild Diet.
The rescue operates solely on donations. By clicking on the button below, a portion of your purchase will be donated directly to our rescue. Thank you for allowing us to continue the work of trying to make the lives of the bird's that come to us a little better.
