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Edible Flowers and Microgreens

Microgreens, tender greens and edible flowers are a healthy way to introduce Omegas 3s, anti-cancer polyphenols, vitamins, minerals and fiber into your feathered friend's system!

Microgreens, tender greens and flowers are comprised of fiber known as "hemicellulose." This kind of fiber is healthier for a bird's digestive tract than "cellulose" found in mature greens and cruciferous veggies. Cellulose is a tough, insoluble fiber whereas hemicellulose is a tender, soluble fiber that breaks down easily and gently cleanses the digestive tract while infusing vital nutrients. Cellulose is broken down by the "cecum," a blind-ended organ located between the upper and lower intestine found in poultry and other fowl, but not present in parrots. Therefore it is best to avoid the feeding of high-cellulose-containing foods (produce that has the cellulose "woven" into the meat of the food, rather than contained on the outside (skin) where birds can peel the skin off and discard the cellulose).


Read this articleAbout the Cecum (Plural: Ceca)

Flowers, Microgreens, Tender Greens

We do want to introduce a limited amount of nutrition available in cruciferous vegetables and to do that we simply feed microgreens, tender greens, and edible flowers that are comprised of hemicellulose fiber which offer highly digestible and bio-available nutrients contained in cruciferous veggies.


Our microgreens, tender greens, and edible flowers are freeze-dried to maintain up to 97% of their original, naturally occurring nutrients with a long shelf life of up to 2 years! (Not that they will last that long when your flock discovers how good they taste!)


  • Microgreen - Homestyle Mix: (0.50oz - Apprx 2.5-3 cups tightly packed)
  • Now contains miniature freeze-dried peppers!

  • May contain any or all of the below:

    • organic Micro Broccoli leaves
    • organic Arugula leaves
    • organic Micro Mizuna leaves (Brassica rapa - Japanese mustard greens, or spider mustard)
    • organic Micro Red Kale leaves
    • organic Micro Turnip leaves
    • organic Micro Red Cabbage leaves
    • organic Micro Radicchio leaves
    • organic Micro Beet leaves
    • organic Pea Shoots
    • organic Micro Tatsoi leaves (Brassica rapa - cabbage)
    • organic Micro Radish leaves
    • organic Micro Okra leaves
    • organic Italian Basil leaves
    • organic Bulls Blood leaves
    • organic Verdolaga leaves
    • organic Mizuna leaves
    • organic Micro Red Amaranth leaves
    • organic Carrot Top leaves
    • organic Parsley leaves
    • organic Sunflower microgreens
    • organic Micro Watercress leaves
    • organic Micro Peppercress leaves
    • organic Red Mustard leaves
    • organic Oregano leaves
    • organic Micro Gold Mung leaves
    • organic Popcorn shoots
    • organic Squash shoots, organic Mung Bean shoots
    • organic buckwheat shoots
    • conventional Purslane (currently out of season) Purslane is a clover-like herb that bears small, wedge-shaped, oblong and dark, green leaves on its reddish-tinted, smooth and juicy stems. Flavorful and crunchy, the entire plant can be used, the stems being the most succulent. Raw stems offer a mild slightly sour, tangy flavor. The high content of alpha linolenic acid present in purslane, a type of the omega-3 fatty acids, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Purslane is also known as verdolagas or Mexican parsley.
    • Organic Pea Shoots: (0.50oz - Apprx 3 cups semi-tightly packed)Pea Shoots are both high in protein and also supply "DAO" (diamine oxidase.

DAO Deficiency

DAO is an alteration in the metabolism of food histamine that appears when Diamine Oxidase (DAO) enzyme activity is low, in other words, when for some reason there is a significant deficiency in the functional activity of the main enzyme in the metabolism of histamine.


The imbalance between ingested histamine and the histamine released from the histamine storage cells, and the capacity for histamine degradation, leads to histamine accumulation in plasma and the occurrence of adverse effects on health.


Edible Flowers: Our supplier of edible flowers (and some of our greens and microgreens) is Fresh Origins® - You can read more about Fresh Origins® here: http://www.freshorigins.com/about-us/ and here: http://www.freshorigins.com/food-safety/ .


For even more flower goodness, view our Organic Dried / Dehydrated Flowers!

*All sales are final due to the custom, artisan handmade nature of our products. We do not refund or exchange for any reason.

† Statements have not been evaluated by FDA. No claims are made regarding “complete” nutrition. Our information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any general or specific health issue. Overall health and nutrition of your pet is the sole responsibility of the caregiver.

It’s time to know everything you need
to keep your bird healthy and happy.

You Can't Take the Rainforest Out of the Bird:
...feeding exotic birds really, really well

by Machelle Pacion,
Co-Owner of Passion Tree House LLC,formulator/developer of BirD-elicious! Origins Wild Diet® species-specific foods; Avian Nutritional Consultant; Author.

Buy Your Copy Now!

Finally an avian nutrition book for beginner, intermediate and advanced exotic bird fanciers! We all have something to learn and this book provides new, revolutionary information for all of us in which to springboard in a direction that takes us and our companion birds "back to the Rainforest" from where they originated! Once we remember where they came from and relearn what kinds of indigenous foods their ancestors ate to thrive, then and only then can we help our beloved feathered companions begin to return to a healthy homeostasis! Begin a whole new journey of understanding the digestive tract of "Aves" and more specifically "Psittacines" who are in a classification and subclassificantion of their very own, separate from mammals and even separate from their cousins Galliformes otherwise known as poultry.
