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Bird Seed, Nuts, Grains, Legumes

All of the seeds, nuts, grains, and legumes you may need for your entire flock!

Soaking and/or sprouting seed, nuts, grains, and legumes are super healthy for our birds. Soaked and sprouted seeds provide germinated nutrition like birds would find and consume in the wild, packed with living nutrition!

Soaking is super easy. Just soak about 1 part seed to 3-4 parts of room temperature water for up to 12 hours. Rinse with 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide a couple times, then once with clear water. Serve! 

Sprouting is easy too! Just use the same measurements as above to soak for a few hours. Then drain and sprout in a Mason jar, stainless steel colander, or other sprouting equipment. Sprout until you just barely see a tail for maximum nutrition. Rinse in 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide a couple of times, then once with clear water. Serve! 

Soak or sprouted seed can be kept in your refrigerator for 2 to 4 days, but it's a good idea to rinse with 3% hydrogen peroxide, then clear water before each use.

All of our individual items are organic!

Nuts from $4.25 USD $15.25 USD
