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Really Raw for Birds!®

It’s summertime and many of us want to add these great tasting foods to our parrots’ diets! Should we or shouldn’t we? Let’s first understand something VERY important about melons; they are mostly water. Yep, water...

  • 2 min read

So often we hear “Don’t overdo the amount of fat you feed your bird” touted over and over again. I’m here to tell you “Birds NEED dietary fat in their diet on regular basis!” I cannot emphasize this fact strongly enough...

  • 6 min read
Recently I had a client ask me about my opinion regarding the differences between all of the phases seeds, legumes and grains can go through coming out of their dormancy and into living foods for our exotic birds...
  • 6 min read
First of all let’s distinguish between “sweet potatoes and yams”. I hear the question asked all the time “What’s the difference?” The “sweet potato” (Ipomoea batatas) is the darker, more yellow to orange colored...
  • 8 min read
I’ve written a lot about mango, but all of it is well-deserved for this all-important naturally indigenous tropical fruit!I believe mango to be one of the most important foods to feed out parrots, if not the most important fruit...
  • 3 min read

But not just any banana…green banana. Why am I talking about green banana for our birds? As it turns out, green banana is higher in resistant starch than a ripe banana, and that is a very good thing when it comes...

  • 3 min read

Yes, I have been using meal worms (Tenebrio molitor) as a reliable protein source in 2001 and I am still touting their wonderful benefits. I’m happy so many fellow bird lovers are catching on! :-)...

In addition to supplying reliable protein, meal worms are also a great source of B vitamins, magnesium and zinc.

  • 3 min read

Everyone seems to be discussing the pros and cons of these two varieties of cinnamon these days; Ceylon and Cassia. Which is healthier for our companion birds? Can one actually be toxic to feed our birds...

  • 3 min read
Long before our bird gets to the point where it is lethargic, about to fall of its perch or at the bottom of its cage we need to recognize the early signs of illness. Unfortunately many of us, especially new bird caregivers...
  • 9 min read

Many of us “purists” who believe in fresh, RAW nutrition will tell anyone on any day that feeding fresh, raw foods is the only way to feed our parrots, but in reality is it? I’m not about to tell anyone to cook their bird’s food...

  • 4 min read
For those birds who are all covered in feathers (aren’t they the lucky ones?), it’s hard to tell if their skin is in good health. It’s a little easier to view the skin condition of birds who engage in feather destruction, but the truth...
  • 15 min read

Our Providence Exotic Bird Sanctuary residents have been dining on some spectacular delicacies lately...clams! They love their snacks! If you have been reading my avian nutrition book you will know that...

  • 1 min read
