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Really Raw for Birds!®

I have people come to me on a frequent basis asking “Which is better to feed to my bird, flax seed or chia seed?” It all depends on what you are trying to achieve in your bird’s diet, but I almost always opt for flax seed as...

  • 5 min read

Not much attention is given to our birds’ beaks and talons, but they can tell us volumes about the health of our bird if we will take the time for a close look. While it’s normal for our birds to “shed” the top layer of their beaks...

  • 9 min read

Is 15 or 20 ingredients diversity? Not even close. When it comes to feeding our birds a diverse diet consisting of a variety of foods let’s all remember that in the wild exotic birds have to choose from what is available at any given time...

  • 5 min read
Obviously if our bird’s feathers appear bright and tightly “zipped”, meaning they are not ragged and frazzled, then there is no indication of any internal illness or shortage of nutrients happening in our bird. If our bird’s feathers...
  • 14 min read

Someone was asking in a Facebook group if persimmons are a safe food to feed our birds. This requires a two-fold answer, yes and no. The "Fuyu" variety is the best kind of persimmon to feed our birds because this...

  • 1 min read

Foundroot sell 100% open-pollinated seeds. They specialize in rare heirloom and expertly bred seeds for challenging climates. Contact: 907-414-3077 and Email: foundrootseeds@gmail.com...

  • 13 min read
Sprouts are one of the VERY BEST ways we can offer whole food nutrition to our birds. They contain the digestive enzyme amylase that aids in the digestion of starch, that hard...
  • 3 min read
My solution to ensuring sprouts are bacteria-free? Food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is purchased as 35% hydrogen peroxide and then it MUST be diluted to 3% by adding...
  • 2 min read
Try to purchase all organic ingredients and sprout all seeds and legumes ahead of time. Soak nuts ahead of time. Dehydrate after sprouting and soaking at 115 degrees...
  • 1 min read
You can dehydrate this for future use. If you do, poke several holes in the blueberries to ensure they thoroughly dehydrate. Dehydrate at 115 degrees, no higher...
  • 1 min read
Even though this is Eclectus specific, you can feed this to just about any Psittacine. We call this “Eclectus-specific” because this recipe is chock full of the kinds of foods that the Eclectus loves and thrives on...
  • 1 min read
You can make all of this ahead of time and dehydrate it for future use. You will need to poke several holes in the blueberries to thoroughly dehydrate them. Dehydrate at 115 degrees...
  • 1 min read
