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Really Raw for Birds!®

I would love for all of us to take a few extra little minutes each and every Saturday and begin preparing some Really RAW™ fresh nutrition for our feathered friends.  Sprouts are one of the VERY BEST ways...
  • 4 min read

Organic sprouted whole peas are one of the healthiest foods we can offer to our exotic companion birds! First of all we can offer this food even to feather destroyers in limited amounts due to the fact...

  • 2 min read
Sunflower seeds have really been put down due to the fact they have been over-fed to our exotic birds, but in reality when they are prepared correctly they offer super nutrition...
  • 5 min read
Always, always, always attempting to find raw nutrition for our permanent rehab residents here at Providence Exotic Parrot Sanctuary, we have to be very, very careful we meet or exceed their nutritional demands...
  • 4 min read
In an attempt to provide the necessary digestive enzyme “amylase” for exotic birds to digest starch I am always on the hunt for foods that can supply this enzyme naturally...
  • 2 min read
Any temperature over 115 degrees destroys the digestive enzymes, proteins are denatured (coagulated) causing them to be relatively unusable, the Omega 3 fatty acids and most vitamins...
  • 4 min read

The berry-picking season is quickly approaching us! How do we enjoy picking these lush berries and then preserving them for our birds without losing all of the wonderful nutrients...

  • 1 min read
Feed raw, not cooked foods - always. Cooking destroys vital, original nutrients such as digestive enzymes, fatty Omega acids and vitamins. We can make sure all raw foods are nutrient-dense...
  • 10 min read
